[In this work attributed to Sri Sankara the characteristics of the
person who has realized that he is Brahman are described. The aspirant
for liberation is advised to meditate on these in order to attain to
the same state.]
sakRt SravaNamAtreNa brahmajnAnam yato bhavet brahmajnAnAvalImAlA sarveshAm mokshasiddhaye--1
The work entitled Brahma Jnanavali Mala, by hearing which just once
knowledge of Brahman is attained, enables all to attain liberation.
asango'ham asango'ham asango'ham punah punah saccidAnandarUpo'ham ahamevAham avyayah--2
Unattached am I, unattached am I, ever free from attachment of any
kind; I am of the nature of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. I am the
very Self, indestructible and ever unchanging.
nityaSuddhavimukto'ham nirAkAro'ham avyayah bhUmAnandasvarUpo'ham ahamevAham avyayah--3
I am eternal, I am pure (free from the control of mAyA). I am ever
liberated. I am formless, indestructible and changeless. I am of the
nature of infinite bliss. I am the very Self, indestructible and
nityo'ham niravadyo'ham nirAkAro'ham acyutah paramAnandarUpo'ham ahamevAhamavyayah--4
I am eternal, I am free from blemish, I am formless, I am
indestructible and changeless. I am of the nature of supreme bliss. I
am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.
SuddhacaitanyarUpo'ham AtmArAmo'ham eva ca akhaNDAnandarUpo'ham ahamevAhamavyayah--5
I am pure consciousness, I revel in my own Self. I am of the nature of
indivisible (concentrated) bliss. I am the very Self, indestructible
and changeless.
pratyakcaitanyarUpo'ham Santo'ham prakRteh parah SASvatAnandarUpo'ham ahamevAhamavyayah--6
I am the indwelling consciousness, I am calm (free from all agitation),
I am beyond prakrti (mAyA), I am of the nature of eternal bliss, I am
the very Self, indestructible and changeless.
tattvAtItah parAtmAham madhyAtItah parah Sivah mAyAtItah paramjyotih ahamevAhamavyayah--7
I am the supreme Self, beyond all the categories (such as prakRti,
mahat, ahankAra, etc.,), I am the supreme auspicious One, beyond all
those in the middle. I am beyond mAyA. I am the supreme light. I am the
very Self, indestructible and changeless.
nAnArUpavyatIto'ham cidAkAro'ham acyutah sukharUpasvarUpo'ham ahamevAhamavyayah--8
I am beyond all the different forms. I am of the nature of pure
consciousness. I am never subject to decline. I am of the nature of
bliss. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.
mAyAtatkAryadehAdi mama nAstyeva sarvadA svaprakASaikarUpo'ham ahamevAhamavyayah--9
There is neither mAyA nor its effects such as the body for me. I am of
the same nature and self-luminous. I am the very Self, indestructible
and changeless.
guNatrayavyatIto'ham brahmAdInAm ca sAkshyaham anantAnandarUpo'ham ahamevAhamavyayah--10
I am beyond the three gunas-sattva, rajas, and tamas. I am the witness
of even Brahma and others. I am of the nature of infinite bliss. I am
the very Self, indestructible and changeless.
antaryAmisvarUpo'ham kUTasthah sarvago'smyaham paramAtmasvarUpo'ham ahamevAhamavyayah--11
I am the inner controller, I am immutable, I am all-pervading. I am
myself the supreme Self. I am the very Self, indestructible and
nishkalo'ham nishkriyo'ham sarvAtmA Adyah sanAtanah aparokshasvarUpo'ham ahamevAhamavyayah-12
I am devoid of parts. I am actionless. I am the self of all. I am the
primordial one. I am the ancient, eternal one. I am the directly
intuited self. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.
dvandvAdisAkshirUpo'ham acalo'ham sanAtanah sarvasAkshisvarUpo'ham ahamevAhamavyayah--13
I am the witness of all pairs of opposites. I am immovable. I am
eternal. I am the witness of everything. I am the very Self,
indestructible and changeless.
prajnAnaghana evAham vijnAnaghana eva ca akartAham abhoktAham ahamevAhamavyayah--14
I am a mass of awareness and of consciousness. I am not a doer nor an
experiencer. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.
nirAdhArasvarUpo'ham sarvAdhAroham eva ca AptakAmasvarUpo'ham ahamevAhamavyayah--15
I am without any support, and I am the support of all. I have no
desires to be fulfilled. I am the very Self, indestructible and
tApatrayavinirmukto dehatrayavilakshaNah avasthAtrayasAkshyasmi cAhamevAhamavyayah--16
I am free from the three kinds of afflictions- those in the body, those
from other beings and those caused by higher powers. I am different
from the gross, subtle and causal bodies. I am the witness of the three
states of waking, dream and deep sleep. I am the very Self,
indestructible and changeless.
dRg dRSyau dvau padArthau stah parasparavilakshaNau dRg brahma dRSyam mAyeti sarvavedAntaDiNDimah--17
There are two things which are different from each other. They are the
seer and the seen. The seer is Brahman and the seen is mAyA. This is
what all Vedanta proclaims.
aham sAkshIti yo vidyAt vivicyaivam punah punah sa eva muktah so vidvAn iti vedAntaDiNDimah-- 18
He who realizes after repeated contemplation that he is a mere witness,
he alone is liberated. He is the enlightened one. This is proclaimed by
ghaTakuDyAdikam sarvam mRttikAmAtram eva ca tadvad brahma jagat sarvam iti vedAntaDiNDimah--19
The pot, wall, etc., are all nothing but clay. Likewise, the entire
universe is nothing but Brahman. This is proclaimed by Vedanta.
brahma satyam jaganmithyA jIvo brahmaiva nAparah anena vedyam sacchAstram iti vedAntaDiNDimah--20
Brahman is real, the universe is mithya (it cannot be categorized as
either real or unreal). The jiva is Brahman itself and not different.
This should be understood as the correct SAstra. This is proclaimed by
antarjyotirbahirjyotih pratyakjyotih parAtparah jyotirjyotih svayamjyotih Atmajyotih Sivo'smyaham--21
I am the auspicious one, the inner light and the outer light, the
indwelling light, higher than the highest, the light of all lights,
self-luminous, the light that is the Self.